Friday, May 22, 2020
Analysis Of Talk Them Dead, House Wife Advertisement
Critical Evaluate of ‘Talk them dead, House-wife’ Advertisement This essay will critically evaluate the use of psychological techniques in an advertisement chosen by the author from a specific range of optional advertisement. The essay will evaluate the impact on the persuasiveness of the marketing communication of a specific target audience. The author of this essay will also analyse the type of appeal, the use of rhetorical tropes, signs and symbols and evaluate the likability, credibility and power of the source of the message. All analysis and evaluation will be supported by the relevant academic references and reliable resources. The author has picked the fifth printed advertisement, according to (2016), this is an advertisement from Bangalore Traffic Police in an outdoor public awareness campaign in India. The title of this advertisement is ‘Talk them dead, House-wife’. This is one of the three advertisement in the spectrum. This advertisement is obviously targeted the driver’s family by not using the driver himself, but one of his family members, the wife. The slogan is distinctly appeal on the advertisement, ‘Don’t talk while he drives.’ According to Belch (2012, p.180), the term, source, is used to represent â€Å"the character or the person who is involved in the communication a marketing message, either directly or indirectly.†The source, the â€Å"blood†and the slogan, â€Å"Don’t talk while he drives†conveys the main tenor of the advertisement. The redShow MoreRelatedBlack Mirror : A Look Into Memory6065 Words  | 25 PagesMirror focuses specifically on the uses and misuses of technology, with quite a few episodes about the ways in which technology could potentially influence our memories and understandings of history. Using textual and content analysis, I aim to answer the question: How does Black Mirror address memory through its use of technological advancement? 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Drug war in Mexico and Colombia has persisted for...
The Drug war in Mexico and Colombia has persisted for decades and will continue to do so if we don’t change our plan of action. Colombia notoriously was and still continues to be a major drug producer, exporting a large percentage of its drugs to the U.S and neighboring Latin America. Analysts predict that Mexico is soon becoming the next Colombia of the 1960-1990 era and has the potential to surpass Colombia in terms of producing, selling and distributing drugs both domestically and internationally. There have been numerous strategies to detain and halt the production, and flow of drugs altogether, yet it seems like they are inefficient and incapable of doing away with this problem. Some governments have sought to increase legislative and†¦show more content†¦We seek to shed some light on the two vastly similar, yet different stories that Mexico and Colombia share in this topic. Once the history of this conflict has been detailed, we can focus on any possible solutio ns and what their effects can be if implemented. This special commission of the U.N. was created to reform drug war policies and that is precisely what we intend on doing. The first step to eradicating the flow of drugs and the drug wars that result from it is to accept that what is currently being pursued is flawed and counter-productive. Colombia went from being a small time player in the drug industry when compared to Peru and Bolivia during the late 1900’s, to the number one cocaine producer and exporter. This entire issue is an inherently complex one. In Colombia we are dealing with armed insurgency groups willing to defend their lands and lives with force. These major groups consist(ed) of the Medellin Cartel, Cali Cartel, the FARC, the M-19, and the ELN. They resort to kidnappings, murder, and extortion to try and negotiate terms with the government, terms that are to assure their safety and permanence. The Colombian government has historically, had a difficult time deciding its policy towards negotiating with these radical groups. At first, they took a non-negotiating stance, unwavering andShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Mexican Tlaltelolco Massacre2491 Words  | 10 PagesAround the time of the Massacre in Mexico, there were a number of books written based on the brutal killings. Three popular books that were written by Mexican writers and addressed the movement of Mexican students, during that era, were Massacre in Mexico (by Elena Poniatowska), ’68 (by Paco Ignacio Taibo II), and Palinuro of Mexico (by Fernando de Paso). 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It would xii PREFACE be easy just to change the dates but inappropriate in the eyes of the author. The circumstances surrounding these cases and situations are the same today as they were twenty years ago. Unfortunately we seem to be repeating several of the mistakes made previously. Recommendations for enhancements and changes to future editions of the text are always appreciated. The author can be contacted at Phone: 216-765-8090 e-mail: Harold KerznerRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesRobbins â€â€San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge â€â€University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Culture and Disease Free Essays
Asthma is a disease that is sweeping the country. With so many new cases being reported daily, it has become somewhat of an epidemic. It can be found in almost all corners of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Culture and Disease or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although it is most common in the US, Canada, and UK, it is growing more common in heavily industrialized countries like Brazil and South Africa. This disease can affect anyone; from women to men, children to adults, Caucasians to African Americans. However, it is most prevalent in African Americans, and even more so in African American women. Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs and one of the most common long term diseases in children (â€Å"Asthma â€Å", n. d). The actual cause of asthma is unknown and there is currently no cure, but certain things in the environment trigger the inflammation of the airways, ultimately leading to asthma attacks. However, it is manageable and can be prevented by avoiding your triggers. Triggers vary for every person, but the most common are tobacco smoke, dust mites, pets, and pollution (â€Å"Asthma â€Å", n. d). The symptoms include tightness in the chest, coughing, and wheezing (â€Å"Asthma â€Å", n. d). Asthma attacks can be deadly if they are not taken care of right away. During an attack the airways in your lungs shrink and do not allow enough air to pass through. Since we do not know the cause of asthma, why is it that African Americans are three times more likely to be hospitalized from it (â€Å"Asthma Facts And Figures†, n. d)? According to â€Å"Asthma data surveillance†(n. d) African Americans are at 11. 6% for having asthma, compared to Caucasians at 8. 2% or Hispanics at 7. 3%. African Americans are also three times more likely to die from asthma, and African American Women have the highest asthma mortality rate of all groups, more than 2. 5 times higher than Caucasian women (â€Å"Asthma Facts And Figures†, n. d). Some researchers believe that it is socioeconomic while others believe it is genetic. Either way, the numbers speak for themselves; for some reason African Americans are more likely to have asthma than any other culture. Looking at socioeconomic reasons, there are many that can be factors in why African Americans are more likely to develop asthma. According to (Castillo, Jordan III, Tan, n. . ) studies have been done that show even though the same health care is offered to both Caucasians and African Americans; the quality of treatment is often lower for the latter. A certain study even discovered that, in a poor minority neighborhood, there was a higher rate of hospitalization and considerably less people with inhalers (Castillo, Jordan III, Tan, n. d. ). It was also found that minorities compared to Caucasians, would have an increased chance of seeing primary care physicians rather than specialists because of the cost that specialists usually charged (Castillo, Jordan III, Tan, n. . ). Another contributing factor could be lower literacy levels in not only the African American culture, but minorities as a whole. Studies have been done to correlate the two, and what was found was that out of 483 minority patients, mostly African-American only 27% of the study subjects could read at a high school level (Castillo, Jordan III, Tan, n. d. ). This is important because the patients may not comprehend important information given to them about the disease. There are also environmental factors that affect not only this culture, but the population as a whole. Since asthma is triggered by particles in the air, pollution is a big factor in it. Living in areas with higher pollution rates will definitely affect those with asthma. African American children have been known to live in more polluted areas, which help develop more vulnerability to allergens (Castillo, Jordan III, Tan, n. d. ). The pollution in the high level of ozone is the one that can trigger asthma attacks among African-American children. The ozone causes irritation to the lungs, and then creates inflammation in the lungs making it hard to breathe (Castillo, Jordan III, Tan, n. d. ). All of these factors have been known to increase restriction in the airways which results in a greater number of children being hospitalized in these polluted areas. As mentioned before, asthma is not curable. However, it is treatable with the correct combination of medications prescribed by a doctor. Medications can either be given in pill form (anti-inflammatories) or inhaler form (bronchodilators). There are also two types: long term and quick control. The long term medications are to help the patient have fewer and milder attacks, but they will not help during an asthma attack (â€Å"Asthma â€Å", n. ). Inhalers are the most common for quick control. During an asthma attack, taking an inhaler is one way to help control the symptoms, and get the attack under control. The other way to help manage asthma is to avoid triggers. Everyone has different triggers, where pet dander may affect one person; it may not affect someone else. One way schools are working to promote the awarenes s of asthma is by letting students and parents know the air quality for the day. Schools now have a colored flag for the three air qualities. Green is for good, yellow is for moderate, and red for unhealthy. Students often have to miss school because of asthma attacks or asthma related problems. If parents and teachers can work together to educate the students about the importance of staying indoors on unhealthy days, we can help to prevent attacks. Another way is about educating children on the benefits of staying away from people who are smoking. We see the commercials on television constantly; the ones with the baby in the crib and the smoke finding its way from a nearby apartment into the child’s lungs. The baby goes into a coughing fit and we are reminded how easily smoke can travel. Second hand smoke is dangerous, especially to someone whose asthma can be triggered by it, sending them into an attack. Anyone can get this disease, although it is more prevalent in African Americans. Even though it is not curable, educating people on this deadly disease is an important aspect to ensuring those affected by it can manage it. Avoiding your personal triggers and making sure you have spoken with a doctor about a treatment plan is key. In this case, both culture and environmental factors have contributed to why African Americans are more commonly diagnosed with this disease. References: Asthma . (n.d). Retrieved from Asthma facts and figures. (n.d). Retrieved from Asthma data surveillance. (n.d). Retrieved from Castillo, R., Jordan III, M., Tan, L. (n.d.). Prevalence of asthma disparities amongst African?American children. , (), 1-3. How to cite Culture and Disease, Papers
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